vom 2. Juni 2014

1. CÉCILLA ET SES ENNUIS – j´aime le pop-corn
2. MILLION OF DEAD COPS – thanks for giving me what I didn’t want
3. RENE BINAME – opium du peuple
4. CHAOS UK – victimized
5. THE BOAT PEOPLE – John Dillinger (died for you)
6. THE SNIPERS – nothing new
7. DIETER DUCK – Elektroschock
9. NO-TALENTS – quelle crise betsy
10. THE EJECTED – fast ’n‘ loud
11. OBERKAMPF – poupée de cire
12. BUZZCOCKS – love you more
13. THE SEIZE – everybody dies
14. ADOLESCENTS – things start moving
15. HEIMAT-LOS – soldier
16. RIISTETYT – stigmat
17. LES SPURTS – je suis fière de mon grand père
18. WEB – walk on glass


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