
1. ANDREAS DORAU – Menschenschicksale
2. RAMONES – blitzkrieg bop
3. LONELY WALK – new shit
4. RAMONES – we´re happy family
5. BABEEZ – dowanna love
6. RAMONES – 53rd and 3rd
7. DAF – sato-sato
8. RAMONES – carbona not glue
9. DEAD RAMONES – hear me
10. RAMONES – surfin‘ bird
11. STRASBOURG – sexe et violente
12. RAMONES – I wanna be sedated
13. MISFITS – bullet
14. RAMONES – beat on the brat
15: LUCRATE MILK – she told me about Leeds permanent building society
16. RAMONES – today your love, tomorrow the world
17. SCORPION VIOLENTE – fugue de pute mineure


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