21. April 2008


1. LUCRATE MILK – henshenklein
2. EMBRACE – no more pain
3. GEFAHRENZONE – Arbeitstitel (Orgasmus)
4. REAGAN YOUTH – anytown
5. ANGELIC UPSTARTS – last night another soldier
6. BLACK FLAG – thirsty and miserable
7. DEZERTER – spytaj milicjanta
8. THE PROLETARIAT – options
9. SONNBRILLE – schrei los
10. LUCRATE MILK – no kods
11. LUCRATE MILK – lustiges Tierquartet
12. BIG BLACK – grinder
13. SPÜLBLITZ – die Finken sind tot
14. ANGRY SAMOANS – time has come today
15. ADOLESCENTS – i hate children
16. CURRENT 93 – she took us to the places where the sun is

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